
Pediatric Medical Image Management

Ambra Health Pediatrics Medical Image Management eBook Cover Graphic

Pediatric hospitals face unique challenges when it comes to medical image management. Concerns regarding redundant imaging exams, sedation for MRIs, and management of medical images are even more prominent than in adult populations. Caring for a child with a complex health condition is never easy, and the stress of these additional concerns can place an enormous burden on a family.

In this ebook, we’ll examine how cloud technology can improve pediatric radiology workflows. You’ll learn how hospitals like Cincinnati Children’s have switched to cloud image management to reduce duplicate exams by completely eliminating CDs and how facilities like UC Davis Children’s Hospital has improved patient access and generated revenue through innovative telemedicine programs.

Download the eBook today to learn how cloud technology can improve workflows:

  • Eliminate CDs
  • Exchange & Collaborate Within and Outside of Hospital Walls
  • View Imaging from Anywhere at Anytime
  • Create New and Exciting Opportunities with Telemedicine
  • Establish a Patient Portal